A Major Asset: Shared Experience
To understand the success of PMC-Colinet, we must credit the merger of these two, formerly private companies and their integration into Park Ohio Corporation. When Park Ohio, an American holding company, was looking to increase its presence in the OCTG market, it first acquired PMC Industries, an Ohio-based, specialty machine tool builder with 80+ years in the OCTG business. MP Colinet, a Belgian lathe builder founded in 1921, was PMC’s main competitor and was also acquired by Park Ohio within months of the PMC acquisition. The merger of PMC and Colinet combines the expertise of the American and Belgian entities into one company that offers tool and product rotating technologies to OCTG customers around the world. Occurring in 1999, this merger encouraged PMC-Colinet’s ambitious growth, backed by the strength of its new owner.
Wickliffe and LeRoeulx, nerve centers of an international network
Based in Wickliffe, Ohio (USA) and in LeRoeulx, Belgium, PMC-Colinet is the benchmark for tube and coupling finishing equipment for the oil and gas industry. We are the world leaders in tube finishing technologies and our customers are located in all four corners of the earth.
Our long-time customers in China, Africa, the Americas, throughout Europe, Japan and South Korea rely on the precision of PMC-Colinet equipment. The after sales support and training we provide from our global service centers reaffirms our commitment to them. Installations in India, Russia and Saudi Arabia have further expanded our list of satisfied customers.